College of the Sequoias Hosts Western Regional Dairy Challenge® Event

Tulare, Calif. – The 2025 Western Regional Dairy Challenge, hosted at College of the Sequoias concluded March 1 in Tulare, Calif. The event saw significantparticipation with 58 students from eight schools, along with coaches and volunteers, for an immersive learning experience.
Upon arrival, students met with their teams and participated in a team building activity. They then had the opportunity to meet their mentors and eat dinner together. Afterwards, teams received farm information and began analyzing data in preparation for their farm visit on February 28 and their upcoming presentation.
On the second day, students toured and evaluated Legacy Ranches 2. Guided by industry mentors, teams assessed various aspects of each facility at the dairy farm, including animal health, parlor management, transition pens, and feed management processes. Additionally, student teams conducted interviews with the producers togain deeper insights into farm management practices and goals. In the afternoon, teams used the data collected to develop their presentations. After submitting their work, all attendees, volunteers, and coaches gathered for dinner and a networking event.
The final day of the contest featured team presentations, evaluated by a panel of judges. Each team delivered a 20-minute analysis outlining the strengths and areas of opportunity for the farm they had assessed. Additionally, students were able to attend a career and innovation fair. The event concluded with the presentation of studentawards, marking the end of the successful 2025 Western Regional Dairy Challenge.
The judges awarded the following teams with the first and second place rankings.
Panel A
First Place: Team Number 1; (Front L-R) Loretta Rodman-University of Idaho, Adison Machado- California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Back L-R) AidanAlberto-Modesto Junior College, Cassie Smith-College of the Sequoias, Joshua Powell-Brigham Young University
Second Place: Team Number 3; (Front L-R) Jaleesa Sousa-Modesto Junior College, George Gioletti- Modesto Junior College(Back L-R) Alex Shepherd-University of Alberta, Wyatt Linger-Brigham Young University, Lyndsey Goldwyn-California State University, San Luis Obispo
Panel B
First Place: Team Number 6; (Front L-R) Emily Maners-Texas A&M University, Karen Lund- University of Idaho (Back L-R) Delainee Fernandes-California PolytechnicState University, San Luis Obispo, Tim Ally-Texas Tech University
Second Place: Team Number 5; (Front L-R) Greyson Evans-Texas A&M University, Katie Hebdon- University of Idaho (Back L-R)Chloe Otterson-California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, D’Mya Davis-Modesto Junior College (Not Pictured) Ben Bidart-California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Panel C
First Place: Team Number 12; (Front L-R) Amber Cummings-California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Jesse Mancillas Jr.-College of the Sequoias (BackL-R) Reann McPhetridge-College of the Sequoias, Molly Feins-California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Logan Pomi- University of Idaho
Second Place: Team Number 9; (Front L-R) Tyanna Melak-University of Idaho, Kylee Chamberlain- Brigham Young University(Back L-R) Roberto Hernandez-California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Kelly Wales-California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Iris Schilderink- Texas Tech University
– More –
The Western event is one of four regional contests sponsored each year by North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge® (NAIDC). These regional contests – plus anational event for about 250 dairy colleagues – are funded through generous support by 130 agribusinesses and dairy producers. Dairy Challenge has helped prepare over 10,000 students for careers as dairy owners or managers, consultants, researchers, veterinarians or other dairy professionals.
About Dairy Challenge
NAIDC is an innovative event for students in dairy programs at North American post-secondary institutions. Its mission is to develop tomorrow’s dairy leaders and enhancethe progress of the dairy industry, by providing education, communication and networking among students, dairy producers, agribusiness and university personnel. The 2025 National Dairy Challenge contest will be held in Gainesville, Florida from April 6th to April 8th; details are at