
How Soon Will a Cow Breed Back After Calving
How Soon Will a Cow Breed Back After Calving Article courtesy of BioZyme® Inc. (SAINT JOSEPH, Mo., April 30, 2024) We expect a lot from a cow. She spends roughly 283 days in gestation, delivers a calf, and then we prepare her for breed back and expect her to conceive problem free during her first […]
Keep Your Animals Cool This Summer
Keep Your Animals Cool This Summer Article and photos courtesy of Central Life Sciences As the summer months approach, producers may begin to notice the impact of rising temperatures on their animals. These raised temperatures are responsible for causing heat stress in cattle. Heat stress can result in various health issues, such as decreased breeding […]
Eight Proven Methods to Prevent Mastitis and Boost Milk Yield
Eight Proven Methods to Prevent Mastitis and Boost Milk Yield Article courtesy of Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA “When looking for ways to prevent mastitis and boost milk production, the dry-cow pen isn’t usually the first place that comes to mind,” said Curt Vlietstra, DVM, Boehringer Ingelheim. “But how a cow moves through her dry […]
PBI Systems: Parlor Systems That Work For You
PBI Systems: Parlor Systems That Work For You By Steve Weisman. Set in the countryside outside Portales, New Mexico lies PBI Parlor Systems, a leading manufacturer of milking stalls and other parlor equipment being utilized in dairies throughout the world. PBI was at the forefront of the dairy industry’s parallel stall beginnings. According to Steve […]