
Cows looking through bars at camera

Effect of maternal bovine appeasing substance on health and performance of pre-weaned dairy calves

Article and photos courtesy of Fera Diagnostics and Biologicals. Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the impacts of a maternal bo- vine appeasing substance (MBAS) administered to preweaned Holstein calves on their health and performance. In total, 410 calves individually allocated were enrolled (Treatment, n = 205; Control, n = 205). Treated calves received a […]


Abomasal Bloat in Dairy Calf

Abomasal Bloat in Dairy Calves

 By Heather Smith Thomas. Abomasal bloat is an abnormality that generally occurs within the first few weeks of a calf’s life, and most frequently between five-10 days of life. It is characterized by accumulation of gas in the fourth compartment of the stomach (abomasum).  The rapid buildup of gas in the abomasum causes abdominal distension, […]


Cow laying in bedding

Bedding Considerations – Comfort to Economics

By Jaclyn Krymowski. Stall design and facility setup are some key factors in selecting the right bedding. Finding something that optimizes comfort and finances is crucial to ensure  you are not only making your cows comfortable, but also  getting a return on the investment. All About Comfort Cow comfort and farmer practicality should be in […]


Cattle Lameness

Lameness, Its Costing You

By Emily Fread, Dairy Extension Educator. Lameness can have negative implications beyond cow comfort. Lameness contributes to reduced milk production, reduced reproduction and increased costs related to treatment and prevention. Lameness is one of the top three diseases that affect dairy herds, along with mastitis and infertility (Robcis et al., 2023). Lameness is a costly […]


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