
US Vet: Relationship-Based Vision
By Maura Keller. For decades, dairy producers and others within the dairy industry have turned to the flagship product Quartermaster® Suspension in combating mastitis in cows. Manufactured by the animal health division of WG Critical Care, the recent corporate name change to US VET – which better reflects the company’s commitment to dairy producers and […]
Developing the Healthy Herd
By Jaclyn Krymowski. Herd health has always been a complex concept to quantify and qualify. It is difficult to breed for, hard to measure as a return on investment, and comprises a myriad of treatment and prevention options. The immune system of each animal is the foundation for longlasting health. Building immunity against the majority […]
Introducing Boumatic Magstream
Article and photos provided by BouMatic. THE MAGSTREAM METER ensures a continuous and completely free milk and air flow, making vacuum drops and fluctuation caused by milk meters a thing of the past. Thanks to advanced technologies used for power management, data communication and recording, it is the first milk meter that is completely wireless. […]
Feed Additives for Dairy Cows
By Heather Smith Thomas. There are a number of feed additives commonly used in dairies. Scott E. Poock, DVM, DABVP, Associate Extension Professor, University of Missouri, says that there are some regulations regarding what can be fed, but there are more regulations for what is fed to lactating cows, versus non-lactating cows. “If they eat […]