Man petting cows

RMS Continues to Gain Momentum

Article courtesy of Marcia Endres and Jim Salfer. Extension Dairy Educators, University of Minneosta  Extension Services Dairy producers choose to install RMS for various reasons, but surveys have shown that one of the most common reasons relates to labor (flexibility may be more than labor cost) and lifestyle or quality of life for herd owners […]


Cows laying in grass

The Evolution of Colorado Serum

Article courtesy of David Huff. Colorado Serum Company’s story begins in January of 1923 on a plot of land close to the Stock Yards and coliseum in Denver, CO.  Originally called the American Serum Company, the small facility was started by veterinarian Dr. J.N. Huff in order to produce an antiserum to combat the deadly […]


Baby calf in hay

Calf Diarrhea (Scours) – Dealing with Dehydration in Dairy Calves

By Heather Smith Thomas. Many pathogens can cause scours in young calves.  Intestinal infection and diarrhea can be due to certain kinds of bacteria, viruses or protozoa.  Whether calves get sick is often related to multiple factors including exposure (contact with pathogens), level of immunity, and stress (such as bad weather and not enough protection […]


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