Colostrum Management in Dairies
By Heather Smith Thomas Newborn calves need colostrum to help protect them from diseases they will face in the first weeks of life. Unlike human babies that obtain some of their mother’s antibodies via her bloodstream and the placenta, ruminants like cattle, sheep and goats are born with a naïve immune system. Because of […]
DCRC webinar explores heat stress, gut health and their impact on animal health
New Prague, Minn. (October 30, 2024) – “Integrating our understanding of stress physiology” headlines the Dec. 6 Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (DCRC) webinar. The free webinar starts at 1 p.m. Central time (USA/Canada). Erin Horst, Elanco Animal Health dairy technical specialist, will serve as the instructor for this one-hour webinar. During the webinar, Horst will […]
Exciting Dairy Innovation Grant Opportunities and Upcoming Events Await!
Herd in the Barn Greetings from the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Dairy Team! This monthly e-newsletter update is to inform you of the most current educational events, research, and tools available; enhancing dairy profits and quality of life. Feel free to share with employees, fellow dairy farmers, and industry supporters. Please contact us with any […]