The Value of Managing Milk Temperature
Article Courtesy of American Dairymen Staff A dairy chiller is the most critical component in ensuring milk is made from cow to dairy counter at a safe and healthy temperature. So, how does the milking process work? Cow milking machines automatically pump milk from cows into refrigerated tanks. Once the milk is collected, the pasteurization […]
Robotic Systems Continue to Revolutionize Dairy Farming
By Jaclyn Krymowski. The continual growth of technology has not left agriculture behind. Many remember when precision crop technology was the new kid on the block not all that long ago. Today, the tech available to farmers extends far beyond the tractor cab and a computer screen. In fact, you could say it has the […]
Winter Care of Dairy Goats.
By Jennifer Bentley – Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Dairy Field Specialist. Routine care such as feed availability, body condition score, and observation of health problems are important every day of the year for productive and healthy dairy goats. While goats are rather hardy animals, cold winter temperatures can bring another set of challenges […]