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Check Out Our Current Issue!

American Dairymen March 2025

This Issue Brings You:

  • Avian Influenza and Dairies – Risk and Prevention
  • Quality Forage Management
  • Scours in Calves – Prevention and Treatment
  • Criteria to Select Goat Breeding

Click Here To View This Issue Now!

Calf Recumbency

Tackling Calf Recumbency in the Holstein Breed

By Jaclyn Krymowski Mastering and understanding the miniscule details of genetics can take a lifetime of research, experience and education. For this reason dairies work with specialized companies and industry associations armed with resources that help them manage the breeding program. Despite our best efforts, there will be times when  a defective or recessive gene is […]


Cows at a show

CRV Bulls Reaffirm the Confidence of Farmers

Article and Photos courtesy of CRV The December proof run reaffirms the confidence of farmers in CRV’s breeding programme. In recent months, several bulls added daughter information to their proofs which confirms their popularity as young InSire bulls. Based on their daughters’ excellent performance, these bulls will now be re-included in CRV’s line up. The […]


Cows eating

Collaboration and Momentum Main Themes of Sustainable Agriculture Summit

More than 900 farmer and industry leaders gathered to discuss advancements, challenges and opprtunites for scaled action. Article courtesy of Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy CHARLOTTE, N.C. –Barbara O’Brien, president and CEO of Dairy Management Inc. and the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, said with a growing global population demanding more food, significant geo-political unrest, and […]



The American Cattlemen Podcast: A Cowboy’s Journey with RW Hampton

 By Jessica Graham. Tune into the latest episode from “The American Cattlemen Podcast”, or listen to some of our past episodes. Podbean and our website (www.americancattlmen.com) house our podcast. Here you can listen while you work to our show. One memorable episode is titled “Catch RW Hampton as he chats with Chap! Don’t Miss this […]


Featured Story

Regenerative Agriculture on a Dairy Farm

Paul and Erin Kernaleguen are dairy farmers and soil consultants near Birch Hills, Saskatchewan, committed to regenerative practices in growing forage for their cattle. They farm with Paul’s Parents, Jos and Brenda.

“We were a very conventional dairy operation until 2012 when we started looking at doing some things differently because our weather was super-wet for a couple years.  Our average annual precipitation is about 12 inches of moisture, but we’d had two years in a row with about 40 to 50 inches, which made farming extremely difficult!” says Paul.


Twin Rivers Media

Publisher of American Cattlemen and American Dairymen magazines. Founded over 30 years ago, Twin Rivers Media serves the information and marketing needs of America’s beef and dairy producers.

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