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Check Out Our Current Issue!

American Dairymen April 2025

This Issue Brings You:

  • Vaccinations – An Important Part of Diary Management
  • Leveraging Drones for Farm Management
  • Essential Wound Care – Keep Small Problems from Becoming Big Ones
  • Proper Goat Hoof Care

Click Here To View This Issue Now!


3 Products to Consider for Your Herd’s Udder Health

Articles and photos provided byBouMatic Oxyblend 3: A Concentrate Pre-Dip With Three Germicides To Raise your pre-dip power to the 3rd power while still providing excellent teat conditioning. BouMatic OxyBlend3 a new pre-milking teat dip provides a new solution for teat dip needs. The product uses hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid and DDBSA and combines them with […]


Calf nursing from a bottle

Importance of Colostrum for Dairy Calves

By Heather Smith Thomas Dr. Pete Erickson, Extension Dairy Specialist, University of New Hampshire, says the most important thing for any calf is to get colostrum soon after birth, since it is vital to the calf’s health. “We mainly think about colostrum in terms of immunity, but another important ingredient (besides the fluid) is the […]


Milk chiller

The Value of Managing Milk Temperature

Article Courtesy of American Dairymen Staff A dairy chiller is the most critical component in ensuring milk is made from cow to dairy counter at a safe and healthy temperature. So, how does the milking process work? Cow milking machines automatically pump milk from cows into refrigerated tanks. Once the milk is collected, the pasteurization […]


Calf Recumbency

Tackling Calf Recumbency in the Holstein Breed

By Jaclyn Krymowski Mastering and understanding the miniscule details of genetics can take a lifetime of research, experience and education. For this reason dairies work with specialized companies and industry associations armed with resources that help them manage the breeding program. Despite our best efforts, there will be times when  a defective or recessive gene is […]


Featured Story

Regenerative Agriculture on a Dairy Farm

Paul and Erin Kernaleguen are dairy farmers and soil consultants near Birch Hills, Saskatchewan, committed to regenerative practices in growing forage for their cattle. They farm with Paul’s Parents, Jos and Brenda.

“We were a very conventional dairy operation until 2012 when we started looking at doing some things differently because our weather was super-wet for a couple years.  Our average annual precipitation is about 12 inches of moisture, but we’d had two years in a row with about 40 to 50 inches, which made farming extremely difficult!” says Paul.


Twin Rivers Media

Publisher of American Cattlemen and American Dairymen magazines. Founded over 30 years ago, Twin Rivers Media serves the information and marketing needs of America’s beef and dairy producers.

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