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Check Out Our Current Issue!

American Dairymen April 2025

This Issue Brings You:

  • Vaccinations – An Important Part of Diary Management
  • Leveraging Drones for Farm Management
  • Essential Wound Care – Keep Small Problems from Becoming Big Ones
  • Proper Goat Hoof Care

Click Here To View This Issue Now!

Boumatic Magstream

Introducing Boumatic Magstream

Article and photos provided by BouMatic. THE MAGSTREAM METER ensures a continuous and completely free milk and air flow, making vacuum drops and fluctuation caused by milk meters a thing of the past. Thanks to advanced technologies used for power management, data communication and recording, it is the first milk meter that is completely wireless. […]


Feed Additives for Cattle

Feed Additives for Dairy Cows

By Heather Smith Thomas. There are a number of feed additives commonly used in dairies.  Scott E. Poock, DVM, DABVP, Associate Extension Professor, University of Missouri, says that there are some regulations regarding what can be fed, but there are more regulations for what is fed to lactating cows, versus non-lactating cows.  “If they eat […]


Drive through main frame corral

Rawhide Portable Corrals: Continuous Improvement

By Maura Keller. When innovative companies and their founders develop ingenious products that will improve the end users’ lives through streamlined efficiencies and state-of-the-art functionality, those companies are eager to get their product into the hands of as many customers as possible. And that is exactly the case for John McDonald, founder and owner of […]


Cows eating inside barn

Volac International Ltd: A Journey of Innovation and Growth in the US Market

Article and photos courtesy of Volac International Ltd. Volac International Ltd, a pioneer in ruminant nutrition and agri-products, has carved a remarkable niche for itself in the global agricultural landscape. With a history spanning more than five decades, Volac International Ltd.’s expansion into the United States market and its recent acquisition of Micron Biosystems have […]


Featured Story

Regenerative Agriculture on a Dairy Farm

Paul and Erin Kernaleguen are dairy farmers and soil consultants near Birch Hills, Saskatchewan, committed to regenerative practices in growing forage for their cattle. They farm with Paul’s Parents, Jos and Brenda.

“We were a very conventional dairy operation until 2012 when we started looking at doing some things differently because our weather was super-wet for a couple years.  Our average annual precipitation is about 12 inches of moisture, but we’d had two years in a row with about 40 to 50 inches, which made farming extremely difficult!” says Paul.


Twin Rivers Media

Publisher of American Cattlemen and American Dairymen magazines. Founded over 30 years ago, Twin Rivers Media serves the information and marketing needs of America’s beef and dairy producers.

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