Check Out Our Current Issue!

American Dairymen April 2025
This Issue Brings You:
- Vaccinations – An Important Part of Diary Management
- Leveraging Drones for Farm Management
- Essential Wound Care – Keep Small Problems from Becoming Big Ones
- Proper Goat Hoof Care
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Establishing Productive Pastures
Pasture is a key resource for most dairy operations across our country. We use it either directly for pasture or for hay and rely on the ground as a key component of our livelihood. For dairy producers, maintaining high-quality forage is essential for ensuring healthy herds, optimizing milk production, and reducing overall feed costs. By […]
Four steps to prepare for small ruminant kidding and lambing
Michael Metzger, Michigan State University Extension – December 13, 2023 With kidding and lambing season right around the corner, owners should prepare their animals to get the best outcome. Kidding and lambing season is here again and there are steps that owners should take to make sure their herd or flock is prepared. By taking the time to […]
Hoof Care for Dairy Cattle
More than 90% of lameness problems in cattle originate in the feet, and lameness takes a toll on herd production. Research at Michigan State University showed that lame cows were 16 times more likely to exceed herd average for days open (slower to breed back) and 9 times more likely to exceed herd average for […]
Genomic Testing and Modern Dairy Farming
There is no questioning the efficiency of America’s dairy herds. The industry-wide embrace of data to drive decision making has been a large part of this accomplishment. A prime example of this is genomic testing, a key tool that has allowed farmers and other industry professionals to make optimal mating decisions that have far reaching […]
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Regenerative Agriculture on a Dairy Farm
Paul and Erin Kernaleguen are dairy farmers and soil consultants near Birch Hills, Saskatchewan, committed to regenerative practices in growing forage for their cattle. They farm with Paul’s Parents, Jos and Brenda.
“We were a very conventional dairy operation until 2012 when we started looking at doing some things differently because our weather was super-wet for a couple years. Our average annual precipitation is about 12 inches of moisture, but we’d had two years in a row with about 40 to 50 inches, which made farming extremely difficult!” says Paul.
Twin Rivers Media
Publisher of American Cattlemen and American Dairymen magazines. Founded over 30 years ago, Twin Rivers Media serves the information and marketing needs of America’s beef and dairy producers.