
Check back for the official launch date of the American Dairymen Podcast. We are excited to roll out the podcast that will be covering just about every topic that concerns the American dairy farmer.
Previous Episodes
American Dairymen’s Podcast with David Huff and Randy Berrier on What’s Going on at Colorado Serum
Just ahead we have the Publisher of the American Dairymen Magazine, Gale McKinney& he sits down with David Huff and Randy Berrier from Colorado Serum. During today’s episode, David & Randy will talk about their backgrounds as well as the history of Colorado Serum. Randy will talk about the Dairy Goat industry in the United States and the importance of a well-thought-out health management strategy. They wrap up the issue by discussing the importance of research and how Colorado Serum attempts to stay at the forefront in that area.
For previous episodes visit our website Podcasts – American Dairymen.
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American Dairymen’s Podcast with Dr. Abby Mickelson on What’s Going on at Armour Animal Health
Welcome back to another edition of the American Dairymen Podcast. Just ahead we have the Publisher of the American Dairymen, Gale McKinney & he sits down with Dr. Abby Mickelson, a veterinarian with Armour Animal Health. During today’s episode, you will learn a little about Dr. Mickelson’s background, how she got to Armour Animal Health, and what her role looks like at Armour. Dr. Mickelson will touch on the importance of calf health and why it is important to manage their respiratory health. She will touch on calf housing and close the issue by discussing the research and educational opportunities Armour provides the producers to make their operation and herd the best.
American Dairymen Podcast is Sponsored By:
American Dairymen’s Podcast with Dr. Juan Rodrigo Pedraza from Zoetis to Discuss Mastitis Treatment and More!
Welcome to our second edition of the American Dairymen Podcast. Just ahead we have the Publisher of American Dairymen, Gale McKinney & he sits down with Dr Juan Rodrigo Pedraza, a veterinarian with the Dairy Technical Services Team with Zoetis. Throughout the conversation with Dr. Pedraza, he will share about his background and role at Zoetis. They will also discuss the difference between clinical and Bacteriological cure. He will close the interview by discussing the 3-step process to Mastitis treatment. What a great interview and we hope you enjoy it.
American Dairymen Podcast is Sponsored By:
American Dairymen’s Podcast with Elena Montemagni from Endovac
Welcome to our first edition of the American Dairymen Podcast. Just ahead we have Gale McKinney, the Publisher of the American Dairymen & he sits down with Elena Montemagni. She is the Key Account Manager with Endovac Animal Health. Throughout the conversation, Elena will share a little about herself and her role at Endovac. They will also discuss the importance of a healthy immune system in Dairy Animals and how Dairy producers can use their products to improve the profitability of their Dairy operation. What a great interview and we hope you enjoy it.
American Dairymen Podcast is Sponsored By: