
Check back for the official launch date of the American Dairymen Podcast.  We are excited to roll out the podcast that will be covering just about every topic that concerns the American dairy farmer.

Previous Episodes

American Cattlemen’s Podcast with Rising Country Artists “Alex Key” and “Zoee” as They Talk About Their Careers with Chap Ramsey!

We’re back with the American Cattlemen Podcast; thanks for joining us. We’ll check out some cattle news, peek at the latest edition of the American Cattlemen Magazine, and dive deep into some country music. Coming up, you’ll be hearing from singer/songwriter Zoee and her very unique sounds in country music, and then we’ll get traditional with yet another singer/songwriter, Alex Key. Exciting Country Talent!

Ready? Let’s ride.

Just a quick reminder: for previous episodes of the American Cattlemen Podcast, check out our website, www.americancattlemen.com

American Cattlemen Podcast is Sponsored By:

Rawhide Portable Corral

Lewis Cattle Oiler 

Udder Tech, Inc.  

American Cattlemen’s Podcast with JoJo Carrales, the Vice President of HeartBrand Beef at Akaushi Convention

Welcome to the American Cattlemen Podcast.  Gale McKinney, the publisher of the American Cattlemen, is joined by JoJo Carrales, the Vice President of HeartBrand out of Harwood, TX.  JoJo will share his story of how he got into ranching and his duties at HeartBrand.  JoJo will lead it off by talking a little bit about his personal and professional background. JoJo is a professional beef producer with an interesting perspective on the industry! This is the final episode from our trip to the American Akaushi Convention in Fort Worth!  Don’t miss this educational opportunity!

Just a quick reminder: for previous episodes of the American Cattlemen Podcast, check out our website, www.americancattlemen.com

American Cattlemen Podcast is Sponsored By:

Rawhide Portable Corral

Lewis Cattle Oiler 

Udder Tech, Inc.  

American Cattlemen’s Podcast with Corporate Chef Paul Roth from Ben E Keith Food Products

Welcome to the American Cattlemen Podcast.  Gale McKinney, the publisher of the American Cattlemen, is joined by Corporate Chef Paul Roth from Ben E Keith Food Products.  Chef Paul shares his background and how he became the Center Plate Special for Ben E Keith.  He will also discuss the benefits of eating Akaushi beef.  He will wrap up the episode by discussing the wine pairings that go with certain cuts of meat and how he educates the end users and consumers! This is the fourth episode from our trip to the American Akaushi Convention in Fort Worth!  Don’t miss this educational opportunity!

Just a quick reminder: for previous episodes of the American Cattlemen Podcast, check out our website, www.americancattlemen.com

American Cattlemen Podcast is Sponsored By:

Rawhide Portable Corral

Lewis Cattle Oiler 

Udder Tech, Inc.  

American Cattlemen’s Podcast with Howard & Carolyn Davis San Jacinto Ranch From 2024 Akaushi Convention

Welcome to the American Cattlemen Podcast.  Gale McKinney, the publisher of the American Cattlemen, is joined by Howard and Carolyn Davis from San Jacinto Ranch in Huntsville, Texas.  Howard and Carolyn share their story about how they got into ranching and specifically into the Akaushi breed.  They provide valuable insights into the temperament of the Akaushi, their handling of environmental stresses, and much more.  This is the third episode from our trip to the American Akaushi Convention in Fort Worth!  Don’t miss this educational opportunity!

Just a quick reminder: for previous episodes of the American Cattlemen Podcast, check out our website, www.americancattlemen.com

American Cattlemen Podcast is Sponsored By:

Rawhide Portable Corral

Lewis Cattle Oiler 

Udder Tech, Inc.