
Check back for the official launch date of the American Dairymen Podcast.  We are excited to roll out the podcast that will be covering just about every topic that concerns the American dairy farmer.

Previous Episodes

American Cattlemen’s Podcast with Kaci Carrales, Executive Director of the American Akaushi Association!

Welcome to another episode of the American Cattlemen Podcast.  Just ahead, we have Gale McKinney, the publisher of the American Cattlemen.  Today, Gale visits with Kaci Carrales, Executive Director of the American Akaushi Association.  Kaci will lead us through her background and her role with the Association.  She will also discuss some challenges she faces when educating the industry about the Akaushi breed.  Just a quick reminder: for previous episodes of the American Cattlemen Podcast, check out our website, www.americancattlemen.com

American Cattlemen Podcast is Sponsored By:

Rawhide Portable Corral

Lewis Cattle Oiler 

Udder Tech, Inc.  






American Cattlemen’s Podcast with Dr. Cadra Krueger who discusses Strategies for Weaning and Receiving Stressors

Welcome to another episode of the American Cattlemen Podcast.  Just ahead, Gale McKinney, the publisher of the American Cattlemen, visits with Dr. Cadra Krueger.  Dr. Krueger is the Sales Manager & Beef Nutritionist with Alltech. Dr. Krueger discusses two critical points for producers to manage during the calves’ life cycle: Weaning & Receiving.  Dr. Krueger and Gale will also discuss how Alltech is committed to providing education to help producers attain sustainability and profitable operations.  Just a quick reminder: for previous Produce Profile Podcasts, check out our website, www.americancattlemen.com

American Cattlemen Podcast is Sponsored By:

Rawhide Portable Corral

Udder Tech, Inc.  

Lewis Cattle Oiler 



American Cattlemen’s Podcast with Dr Chris Cassady of Biozyme

Welcome to this episode of the American Cattlemen Podcast.  Just ahead, Gale McKinney, the publisher of the American Cattlemen, visits with Dr. Chris Cassady, the Director of Beef Technical Sales with Biozyme, Incorporated.  Dr Cassady will start with a little about himself, his family, and his background. Then, Gale and Dr. Cassady will discuss the stresses that grazing cattle face in the summer months and will wrap it up by telling us ways that Biozyme can help producers improve their summer management programs.  This is a timely interview, and Dr. Cassady provided some great insights! We hope you enjoy it.  Just a quick reminder: for previous episodes of the American Cattlemen Podcast, check out our website, www.americancattlemen.com

American Cattlemen Podcast is Sponsored By:

Rawhide Portable Corral

Udder Tech, Inc.  




American Cattlemen’s Podcast with Senator Charles Grassley and Blake Jack of South 35

Howdy, and welcome back to the American Cattlemen Podcast; I’m your host…Chap Ramsey. Coming up, we’ve got some cattle news, a brief conversation with Senator Charles Grassley about the consolidation of the beef industry, and his thoughts about the Farm Bill that’s just sittin’ there in DC. For the interview, Gale McKinney will chat it up with the founder of Two Bitch Bourbon, and we’ll close the gate with singer/songwriter and businessman Blake Jack the lead singer of South 35. He’s got quite a story. Ya ready? Let’s ride!

American Cattlemen Podcast is Sponsored By:

Rawhide Portable Corral

Shorty’s Caboy Hattery 

Udder Tech, Inc.  




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