
Check back for the official launch date of the American Dairymen Podcast. We are excited to roll out the podcast that will be covering just about every topic that concerns the American dairy farmer.
Previous Episodes
American Cattlemen’s Podcast with Bryan Whaly and Erika Osmundson from Iowa Cattlemen’s Association
Welcome to another episode of the American Cattlemen Podcast. Just ahead, we have Gale McKinney, the publisher of the American Cattlemen. Today, Gale visits with Bryan Whaley and Erika Osmundson from the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association. During today’s episode, you will hear a little about Bryan and Erika’s background, as well as Bryan’s transition and vision for the Association. They will also touch on some regional government wins and close by talking about the Governor’s Charity Steer Show. Just a quick reminder: for previous episodes of the American Cattlemen Podcast, check out our website, www.americancattlemen.com
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American Cattlemen’s Podcast Producer Profile with Jerry & Arlie Reeves from Bar R Wagyu
Welcome to another episode of the American Cattlemen Podcast and our special Producer Profile. Just ahead, we have Gale McKinney, the publisher of the American Cattlemen. Today, Gale visits with Jerry & Arlie Reeves from Bar R Wagyu from Pullman, Washington. Today, you will learn more about the history of Bar R Wagyu, its operation, and its exciting 2-day event featuring an educational day along with the sale the following day. Just a quick reminder: for previous Produce Profile Podcasts, check out our website, www.americancattlemen.com
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American Cattlemen’s Podcast Producer Profile with Tom Draper from Draper Family Cattle
Welcome to another episode of the American Cattlemen Podcast and our special Producer Profile. Just ahead we have American Cattlemen Publisher Gale McKinney as he sits down with Tom Draper from Draper Family Cattle from Amboy, Illinois. Today, you will learn more about the history of Draper Family Cattle, its operation, and its bull, Hummel Fitz Roy. Just a quick reminder: for previous Produce Profile Podcasts, check out our website www.americancattlemen.com
This episode of the American Cattleman Podcast is brought to you by:
American Cattlemen’s Podcast with Dave & Brandy Jensen from Hawkeye Breeders
Here we go again with another edition of the American Cattlemen Podcast. This time, the Publisher of the American Cattlemen, Gale McKinney, is engaged in a conversation with Dave and Brandy Jensen from Hawkeye Breeders in Adel, IA. Today’s episode delves into Dave and Brandy’s rich backgrounds, their journey with Hawkeye Breeders, and the comprehensive services they provide. Get ready to be enlightened!
This episode of the American Cattleman Podcast is brought to you by: