Texas A&M University research reveals Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance reduces the impact of stress in high-risk cattle

FerAppease Application above pole.

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (September 24, 2024) – A Texas A&M University study recently published in the Journal of

FerAppease application above muzzle.

Animal Science confirmed that FerAppease® has several benefits for high-risk cattle during a 60-day feedlot receiving period. The active compound of FerAppease, Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance (MBAS), is the synthetic analog of natural appeasing pheromone secreted through the skin of the mammary gland of lactating cows.

Results from this university study showed that administrating FerAppease resulted in decreased physiological stress markers in cattle. Compared to the control group, cattle receiving FerAppease had lower serum cortisol concentrations after castration and lower hair cortisol concentrations during the initial 28 days on feed. “An increase in cortisol levels is the key negative physiological driver resulting from stress that impacts cattle appetite, health and weight gain,” says Dr. Reinaldo F. Cooke, Burkhart Endowed Professor, Beef Cattle Research, Texas A&M University.


Specific to health benefits from administering FerAppease, results demonstrated improved immuno-competence with higher serum antibody concentrations against Parainfluenza 3 upon initial and booster vaccinations. Overall improved health response and better recovery from Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) were also observed in this study for FerAppease-treated cattle. A higher portion of cattle administered FerAppease required only a single antibiotic treatment to recover to positive health after BRD diagnosis compared to the control group. Mortality rates due to BRD were 83% lower in cattle treated with FerAppease compared to the control group.

Evaluating the “deads-in” performance differences in this study, FerAppease-treated cattle had greater pen-based total live weight gain and final live weight at the end of the trial period. From an economic perspective, the study shows a 1,541% return on investment (ROI) for the pens treated with FerAppease. “The health, performance and economic outcomes from this trial for the cattle treated with FerAppease support the science behind this product. It’s proven to reduce the impact of stress resulting in healthier and heavier cattle delivering more profit to beef producers,” says Dr. Rodrigo Bicalho, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of FERA Diagnostics & Biologicals.

Launched in 2022 by FERA, 15 million doses of FerAppease have been sold to date. To use FerAppease, no veterinarian prescription nor Veterinary Feed Directive plan is required, and there are no meat or milk withholding requirements. To learn more specifics about this Texas A&M University study published in the Journal of Animal Science entitled – Administering the maternal bovine appeasing substance improves overall productivity and health in high-risk cattle during a 60-d feedlot receiving period, access this link:

FERA Diagnostics & Biologicals is a privately held animal health company based in College Station, Texas. Combining innovation and science, FERA has introduced FerAppease to address the hidden health and economic costs of stress on cattle. To become a believer in FerAppease and for more information visit:

All content provided by Fera Diagnotstics and Biologicals

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