Cattle parlor system

PBI Systems: Parlor Systems That Work For You

PBI Systems: Parlor Systems That Work For You By Steve Weisman. Set in the countryside outside Portales, New Mexico lies PBI Parlor Systems, a leading manufacturer of milking stalls and other parlor equipment being utilized in dairies throughout the world. PBI was at the forefront of the dairy industry’s parallel stall beginnings. According to Steve […]


Today’s Parlor Designs

Today’s Parlor Designs By Maura Keller Ben Streitmatter, regional sales manager at FBi Buildings, says the key factors influencing the choice of parlor system include existing facilities, labor availability, and budget. Priorities such as cow comfort, labor efficiency, and milk quality are also central facets of parlor design for dairy producers. As he explains, robotic […]


Cold Weather Ahead: Avoid Cold Stress Losses in the Milk Tank

Cold Weather Ahead: Avoid Cold Stress Losses in the Milk Tank By Jaclyn Krymowski Cold weather presents a plethora of special challenges for modern dairies. As with the heat, extreme cold can also have a hard-hitting impact on productivity, especially for breeds preferring slightly warmer temperatures like Jerseys. Likewise, today’s specialized equipment and facilities are […]


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