Calf Diarrhea (Scours) in Dairy Calves – Prevention and Treatment
By Heather Smith Thomas Many pathogens can cause scours in young calves. Intestinal infection and diarrhea can be due to certain kinds of bacteria, viruses or protozoa. Whether calves get sick is often related to multiple factors including exposure (contact with pathogens), level of immunity, and stress (such as bad weather–not enough protection from cold […]
Colostrum Management in Dairies
By Heather Smith Thomas Newborn calves need colostrum to help protect them from diseases they will face in the first weeks of life. Unlike human babies that obtain some of their mother’s antibodies via her bloodstream and the placenta, ruminants like cattle, sheep and goats are born with a naïve immune system. Because of […]
Colostrum Management for the Dairy Goat Kid
Colostrum Management for the Dairy Goat Kid By Jennifer Bentley, Dairy Field Specialist, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Feeding kids the correct amount of high-quality colostrum immediately after birth is one of the most important management practices in kid management. Colostrum is so important that sometimes it is called “liquid gold”. The Importance of […]