Understanding Milk Routines and Improving Performance

Understanding Milk Routines and Improving Performance
Article and photos provided by BouMatic
FOCUSING on continual performance improvements has always been a priority for BouMatic product development. The SmartConnect management software is no exception. The Management Software provides data that is key to your individual management needs such as: milking event records, milking routine feedback and milking time and alarms. You can share historical data with third parties like veterinarians or advisors and even follow each cow’s milking phase on the screen. This gives you a better understanding of your milking routines and enables you to improve your overall milking performance.
This controller operates on a web-based application using web browser software. You can remote in from any web browser via smartphone or computer. This allows a dealer, herd manager, and other key players to watch a milking or review the reporting no matter what their location.
View Milking In Progress
You can follow the milking routine in progress and see each cow’s milking phases in realtime on the screen. Milking and events can be displayed on a PC screen or on a smartphone. There are two views that can be selected, a Top View or a Side View that depicts the type of parlor and the cows in the stalls. So whether the parlor is a parallel, herringbone or rotary it will be depicted as such and with the correct stall numbers configured. The Side View is the best to use when viewing on a smartphone. You can gain understanding of the milking routine, see the progression of the letdown, view kick-offs and the number of manual attaches and much more.
Parlor History Data
Parlor History provides you with feedback on milking routines, milking time, alarms, and milking details. Data can be viewed by ‘Date’ or by ‘Milkings’. To view select a date on the calendar to review and it will produce a graphical display of the data by the hour and at each stall. When selecting any bar on the display it will show you the milk curve at that stall at the hour selected. If the stall number for that date is selected it will show you all the milk curves on that particular stall for the entire day and also the wash times. Data can also be viewed by Milkings. This will break the data into the milk shifts for each of the days. After selecting which shift you want to see, the report created shows total and average durations, the detach type and timing, number of reattaches and number of manuals. And there is an option to have this downloaded to MicroSoft Excel with the click of a button.
The program stores historical data for trend analysis and to share them with third parties such as consultants, veterinarians, and others. The reports generated can be used for further milking routines analysis on items like milking duration, preparation time, and more.
The controller works with both the SmartLite detacher and the Pulse MD. Improve your overall operation by combining SmartLite with other available network parlor functions in order to get more accurate information on your routines and improve your operation’s efficiency, reliability and eventually your cow’s comfort and health.
This is one more tool to gain you better understanding of your milking routines and enable you to improve your overall milking performance.