New Podcast Episodes from Zoetis Showcases Producer’s Herd Productivity Through Genomic Testing with CLARIFIDE® Plus

Producers share real-world experience with genomic testing in the Clarity at Work podcast series.
Article courtesy of Zoetis
WHAT: For dairy producers eager to discover how genomic testing can help them set their herds up for improved health, productivity and profitability, Zoetis has released two new episodes of its podcast series, Clarity at Work.
The Clarity at Work podcast series includes eight episodes beginning when the podcast launched in 2020. Each episode features a producer’s unique experience with genomic testing and how CLARIFIDE® Plus has fueled their decisions that helped their operation succeed.
WHY: Zoetis created the podcast series for producers to hear from peers about their experiences with genomic testing with CLARIFIDE® Plus. In these latest episodes, listeners will learn how a collaborative, streamlined genomic testing approach can help inform herd management decisions for the future.
“Preserving the legacy and longevity of operations is at the center of every decision dairy producers make,” said Nick Randle, U.S. marketing lead for dairy productivity and milk quality at Zoetis. “The Clarity at Work podcast series is an opportunity to inform producers on the power of genomic testing with CLARIFIDE® Plus and the different ways it can be used to help advance dairy operations.”
WHERE: The Clarity at Work podcast series is available on popular podcast streaming platforms or at
LATEST EPISODES: The Diamond J Farms Dairy Genomic Testing Experience
The newest podcast episodes 7 and 8 for Clarity at Work go in-depth with Wiebren Jonkman, owner of Diamond J Farms in Merced, California. His seven-year journey, from purchasing the operation to now, has not been the easiest. After taking over the dairy, Jonkman quickly learned the facilities needed to be upgraded and there were no records on the animals. Having to rebuild from the ground up, Jonkman knew he needed to start genomic testing to get a base level established.
“I had to figure out a different way of improving my herd. And I wanted to do it fast,” Jonkman said. “So the only way I could do it was through genomic testing.”
Podcast listeners will hear how he addressed operational and herd management challenges and how he worked with Zoetis to streamline his genomic testing experience, from sampling and testing to uncovering insights through data and herd management integration. Listeners will learn how Jonkman used the genomic data from his herd to develop strategies that would help progress their productivity and profitability.
- Episode 1: “Across the Ocean and Ready to Milk”
Dairy producers Tom Oesch and Simon Vander Woude paint a dynamic portrait of their farms, from their family histories to how they are implementing genomic testing to help advance their farms in today’s agriculture industry. - Episode 2: “Producing During a Pandemic”
Tom Oesch and Simon Vander Woude provide perspective on how dairy producers can find ways to adapt in a tumultuous marketplace during a global pandemic. - Episode 3: “Don’t Leave Money on the Table: Focus on Calf Wellness”
Armed with Calf Wellness trait data, dairy producer Kevin Souza and consultant Brad Barham are helping eliminate health problems before they even happen and to help improve their operations’ bottom lines. - Episode 4: “Predictions Are Now More Proven”
California dairy producer David Vander Schaaf shares his journey of diversified revenue streams and strategic decision-making with CLARIFIDE® Plus, while Zoetis Senior Genetics Specialist Brenda Fessenden dives into new, powerful genomic testing research. - Episode 5: “Doing Something With the Data”
Wisconsin dairy producer Mike Larson breaks down how he’s meshing genomic and sensory data together to help improve productivity and profitability. Jared Krull and Brian Kelroy dive into what the collaboration among Zoetis, Select Sires and CowManager brings to dairies across America. - Episode 6: “Staying Ahead of What’s to Come”
Wisconsin dairy producer and Zoetis product manager Katie Martin shares how she promotes sustainable practices on her operation and how genomic testing supports those sustainability goals. Zoetis Senior Genetics Specialist Brenda Fessenden goes through results from a 2022 on-farm study that reveals the impact of genetics on animal health metrics, methane emissions and operational profitability.
For more information on the Zoetis Clarity at Work podcast, contact:
Jodi Paynter Kristina Hopkins
Zoetis Bader Rutter
262-853-1329 262-490-3642
About Zoetis
As the world’s leading animal health company, Zoetis is driven by a singular purpose: to nurture our world and humankind by advancing care for animals. After innovating ways to predict, prevent, detect, and treat animal illness for more than 70 years, Zoetis continues to stand by those raising and caring for animals worldwide — from veterinarians and pet owners to livestock farmers and ranchers. The company’s leading portfolio and pipeline of medicines, vaccines, diagnostics and technologies make a difference in over 100 countries. A Fortune 500 company, Zoetis generated revenue of $8.1 billion in 2022 with approximately 13,800 employees. For more information, visit