
Making an Impact for Over Forty Years
Making an Impact for Over Forty Years By Maura Keller When it comes to understanding the needs of dairy producers, it helps when a company founder and entrepreneur has first-hand knowledge of the dairy industry, by either being a producer himself, or by having grown up on a dairy farm. For Darrell Bigalke, the founder […]
Using Nutrition to Beat the Heat
Using Nutrition to Beat the Heat By Jaclyn Krymowski As summer temperatures rise, dairy producers know the importance of keeping their cows comfortable. While shade, ventilation, and water are crucial, there’s another powerful tool in your heat stress management arsenal: nutrition. Like so many other changes you make to your dairy to accommodate the seasons, […]
Toe Tip Necrosis – A Form of White Line Disease
Toe Tip Necrosis – A Form of White Line Disease By Heather Smith Thomas The white line is a somewhat flexible junction between the sole of the hoof and the wall, allowing the hoof to be more flexible as the animal moves. The sole horn is joined to the wall horn by the white line, […]
When it Comes to Joro Spiders, Don’t Believe Everything You Hear
(June 14, 2024) Reports from other parts of the US about this large Asian arachnid have captured plenty of attention. However, no joros have been reported in Arkansas.