
Comfortable Stall Mats and Cow Mattresses
By Heather Smith Thomas. Keeping livestock healthy, safe, and comfortable is one of the top priorities on a dairy farm. Cattle mats are designed to keep barn floor and stall areas cleaner, warmer, and more comfortable for the cattle. If cows are kept in a free stall for resting and lying down, dairy cow mats […]
Performance, Value, and Simplicity
Article and photos courtesy of Albert Lea Seed. We left GMO seed behind almost ten years ago because we were tired of paying for the high costs of genetically modified traits that didn’t deliver more yield. It might be time for you to do the same. Viking non-GMO seed is fully committed to providing you […]
Don’t Overlook Water in the Winter
By Jaclyn Krymowski Winter marks a time of uncertainty and, especially for cattle operations in harsh climates or otherwise remote regions with limited resources. While some of the most common concerns are accessibility through snow and ice, freezing equipment and exposure to the elements, providing water shouldn’t be far out of mind. Even when the […]
Raising/Feeding Dairy-Beef Feeder Calves
By Heather Smith Thomas. Many dairies are now breeding some of their cows—the ones they don’t raise replacement heifers from to beef bulls, generally using semen from Angus or Charolais. The beef-dairy cross calves are worth more as day-old calves than straight dairy calves, since the beef crossbreds feed out similar to beef animals. Some […]