Dairy Defined: FMMO Formulas Need to Reflect Today’s Realities

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, May 13, 2024 CONTACT Alan Bjerga 703-243-6111 ext. 372 abjerga@nmpf.org Dairy Defined: FMMO Formulas Need to Reflect Today’s Realities ARLINGTON, VA – Way back in the 1930s, one of the original motivations behind creating the Federal Milk Marketing Order system was to provide incentives for farmers to produce better milk. Much […]


Abomasal Bloat in Dairy Calf

Abomasal Bloat in Dairy Calves

 By Heather Smith Thomas. Abomasal bloat is an abnormality that generally occurs within the first few weeks of a calf’s life, and most frequently between five-10 days of life. It is characterized by accumulation of gas in the fourth compartment of the stomach (abomasum).  The rapid buildup of gas in the abomasum causes abdominal distension, […]


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