
Check back for the official launch date of the American Dairymen Podcast. We are excited to roll out the podcast that will be covering just about every topic that concerns the American dairy farmer.
Previous Episodes
American Dairymen’s Podcast with Nathan Hillis and Dr. Mike Ballou About All Things Dairy
Coming up we have the Director of Business Development for the American Dairymen Media Group and host; Dustin Hector & he sits down with Nathan Hillis with Profile Animal Health and Dr. Mike Ballou with MB Nutritional Sciences. After a brief intro, the group will get into the partnership between the two companies. They will then get into a wide variety of topics including cow gut health, clay based additives, and current diary trends. With two experts, this episode is a treat to listen to.
For previous episodes visit our website: https://americandairymen.com/podcasts/
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American Dairymen’s Podcast with Brian Wesemann About The Upcoming DCHA Conference
Coming up we have the Director of Business Development for the American Dairymen Media Group and host; Dustin Hector & he sits down with Brian Wesemann, a board member for DCHA. During today’s episode, Dustin & Brian will talk about Brian’s background. They will also discuss the next DCHA conference and trade show held on April 8th through the 10th. With lots to offer, this episode is something you just can’t miss.
For previous episodes visit our website: https://americandairymen.com/podcasts/
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American Dairymen’s Podcast with Kevin Muxlow To Discuss the Importance of Data & Trust With Customers
Coming up we have the Director of Business Development for the American Dairymen Media Group and host; Dustin Hector & he sits down with Kevin Muxlow. During today’s episode, Dustin & Kevin will talk about Kevin’s background and how he got to where he is today. They will also discuss the importance of Data and the importance of protecting that data for your dairy operation. Kevin will also talk about how building trust in your customers is vital to any product and their main focus at VAS. I really enjoyed my time with Kevin, and I hope you do as well.
For previous episodes visit our website: https://americandairymen.com/podcasts/
American Dairymen Podcast is Sponsored By:
American Dairymen’s Podcast with Eric Halfman from John Deere as he talks with Dustin about John Deere’s XUV 845 & 875 Gators
Welcome to another edition of the American Dairymen Podcast. Just ahead we have the Director of Business Development of the American Dairymen, Dustin Hector, and he sits down with Marketing Manager Eric Halfman with John Deere. During today’s episode, Eric and Dustin discuss the John Deere XUV 845 & 875 Gators. Eric shares some of the options these units have and some of the possibilities they offer Dairy Producers to become more efficient and make the day-to-day a little easier on the farm. It was great to sit down with Eric and hear the positive impact these vehicles can have and the options they provide.
For previous episodes visit our website: https://americandairymen.com/podcasts/
American Dairymen Podcast is Sponsored By: